2008-08-10 - PyMSNt development continued by others

Work in this project is being continued by Norman Rasmussen and others at http://sharesource.org/project/pymsnt/

2008-02-09 - PyMSNt 0.11.3 will be my final release

As you've probably noticed there hasn't been much activity with PyMSNt lately. There are several reasons for this. I've been busy with my uni studies (now honours) as well as other work projects.

The main reason however is that just about all my friends are now using Jabber/Gmail. This means I don't actually use the transport myself anymore and so have little incentive to continue developing it further.

Unfortunately this is unlikely to change in the near future.

I'd like to thank everybody for their support and the various offers of financial contributions. Particularly Portugal Telecom/SAPO for financing the development of avatars and file transfers.

2006-10-18 - PyMSNt 0.11.2 released!

2006-07-09 - PyMSNt 0.11.1 released!

2006-04-17 - epoll-0.7 and webreg-0.5

2006-02-18 - PyMSNt 0.11 with file transfer

2005-12-19 - PyMSNt 0.10.3

2005-11-02 - PyMSNt 0.10.2

2005-10-27 - PyMSNt 0.10.1

2005-10-03 - PyMSNt 0.10

2005-09-14 - PyMSNt 0.10-rc3

2005-08-27 - Mega Release Frenzy!

2005-06-13 - Webreg 0.4 released!

2005-05-14 - PyMSNt 0.9.3 released!

2005-04-04 - PyMSNt 0.10-preview1 released!

2005-03-28 - PyMSNt 0.9.2 released!

2005-03-05 - PyMSNt 0.9.1 released!

2005-02-28 - PyMSNt 0.9 released!

2004-12-05 - PyMSNt 0.8 released!

2004-12-04 - New Website

Jabber & MSN
Python based MSN Transport for Jabber

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